
Double Your Sales Potential With Double-sided Business Cards

Swapping business cards is one of the most basic and common forms of networking in the business  world. With something that is so common practice, people often hand out cards blindly while not really thinking about what the card does AFTER you hand it out.

So, how do your clients feel about your business card? Put yourself in their shoes, does what you stand for:

  • of value to them?
  • solve a problem?

If so, perhaps you can take advantage of the extra real estate on the other side. It’s a prime space to include important facts, offers, and information that help sell your company to the holder. Including valuable offers on your business card will make it worth holding on to.

One of the problems with having double-sided business cards is that often the holder does not realise this, and so does not even turn over the card. One little trick to solve this is a P.T.O. added to the front of your card. This small abbreviation can double your success rate. P.T.O. (Please Turn Over) lets the holder know there is something of value of the backside, and it would be in their best interest to check it out.

Check this out: Make effective use of your business cards with The Business Card Booster

Alternatively, you could include `See back for special offer` if you have the space for it.

Once you’ve alerted them that there is something on the back,  reel them in with a:

  • Survey, redeemable for a free gift
  • Punch card for frequent clients
  • Valuable coupon URL to a special webpage targeting business card recipients

Research your sector to learn what business card marketing words will flip their switch and turn them on to your company. Give them what THEY want.

Even if you only hand out 50 cards using this technique, you’ve just created 50 opportunities for new business. So just imagine the possibilities that would come with having 1000 highly effective business cards floating around.

Now that you’ve found the secret recipe for business card marketing success, hand those cards out wherever and whenever you can. The more you hand out, the better chance you have of scoring another life-time customer.

Check this out: Make effective use of your business cards with The Business Card Booster


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